All DSB office locations are closed until Thursday, April 25.

You can still call 800-552-7103 for information, referrals, and intake.

SOTA - Compliance


Executive Order Compliance

Governor Inslee’s Executive Orders have been embraced by DSB as being highly supportive of, and aligned with, our agency mission, and the interests of our stakeholders and constituencies. Executive Orders that are relevant to our agency include the following:


Executive Order 20-01

State Efficiency and Environmental Performance

  • 2019 DES/DSB-Alaska Street/Seattle Office Energy Conservation Project.   The scope of the project included replacement of the building’s heating and cooling systems, replacement of all single pane windows, added insulation, and low-energy halogen lighting systems and fixtures throughout the building.  An energy-efficient Boiler and a new HVAC air conditioning system were installed. Testing demonstrated demonstrably improved the energy performance of the building, lowering the carbon footprint and reducing costs.
  • DSB motor pool fleet are hybrid vehicles or, where feasible, zero-emission fully electric. Locating vehicle charging stations to support zero-emission vehicles at statewide offices has been challenging. The agency has facilities to integrate zero-emission electric motor pool vehicles into our Vancouver office fleet.


Executive Order 19-02

Establishing The State Interagency Coordinating Council for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families

  • DSB has active agency representation as a member of the coordinating council for infants and toddlers, providing the unique perspectives of the resources for and needs of infants and toddlers with visual disabilities, and their families.


Executive Order 17-01

Reaffirming Washington’s Commitment to Tolerance, Diversity, and Inclusiveness

  • The agency has finalized update of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and accompanying Respectful Workplace policies. The agency Accessibility policy is in process of revision.
  • Agency staff have been active in the state’s work on DEI issues, and providing guidance on how disability is a key component of DEI considerations.
  • The agency has advocated for disability-owned businesses to be included as a priority in state purchasing and procurement efforts
  • Agency staff have been active in the Disability Inclusion Network efforts
  • Agency staff are active board members on the Governor’s Committee on Disability and Employment (GCDE)


Executive Order 16-07

Building a Modern Work Environment

  • Because DSB is a small agency and staff typically provide direct services in the local community, the agency has long prioritized mobile technologies and work flexibilities in order to facilitate the work.
  • In 2018, the telework survey showed 72% of staff utilized mobile technologies, and 53% worked away from the office at least two days per month
  • Since March 2020, all staff are utilizing mobile technologies in order to accomplish work tasks, and all staff are working from home.


Executive Order 16-06

State Agency Enterprise Risk Management

  • Agency leadership has developed a risk management and prioritization tool, and reviews the tool quarterly. 
  • DSB has frequently collaborated with the Office of Risk Management to address questions and situations for risk mitigation.

Executive Order 16-04

Reaffirming The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women

  • DSB supports staff to actively participate in the ICSEW, and to bring back information and recommendations that increase support women within the agency.


Executive Order 16-01

Privacy Protection and Transparency in State Government “Modernizing State Agency Privacy Protection”

  • The agency has policies and procedures around the protection of customer information. The customer must authorize the sharing of any personal data unless the review is for an audit of services intended for the benefit of the participant.
  • The agency has security measures established and reviewed to ensure the safety of participant data


Executive Order 15-02

Voter Registration Assistance

  • The agency actively seeks to register all customers to vote who are not already registered, or who require a change of address.
  • Information and links to voter registration tools are located on the agency website at 

Executive Order 13-02

Improving Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for People with Disabilities in State Employment

  • The State Disability Employment Parity Act (SHB1636) is intended to increase the hiring of persons with disabilities in the state workforce.  The agency provides information annually on the number and location of agency participants who were employed by the state
  • The work of the agency is aligned completely with this EO, and the agency is grateful for the Governor’s attention to improving the economic vitality of Washingtonians with disabilities